John Ryan McGreevy
(2020) PhD Candidate, Integrative Conservation and Anthropology (ICON), UGA 2013 MA Anthropology, Colorado State University 2010 BS Environmental Studies/ BA Biology, Elon University Focus My research focuses on human interaction with the environment, especially concerning natural resource use in the face of disasters and changing environments. The methods and theory I apply in my work come from training across multiple disciplines and a growing consensus in literature, policy, and practice: complex issues at the human-environmental nexus require integrative approaches. I conducted most of my work over the past 10 years in Haiti and the circum-Caribbean. Supported by a US NSEP Boren Fellowship, my year-long fieldwork in Haiti’s Southern Peninsula explored the influence of hurricanes and droughts on rural livelihoods and tree use. My most recent work finds me in the mountains of the United States, studying Wild and Scenic River policy and management approaches to reduce inter-user conflict. Methods: Remote sensing, agent-based modelling, land use/land cover change analysis, focus groups, interviews, surveys Recent Publications: King, E. G., Nelson, D. R., & McGreevy, J. R. (2019). Advancing the integration of ecosystem services and livelihood adaptation. Environmental Research Letters, 14(12), 124057. Delaney, A., Evans, T., McGreevy, J., Blekking, J., Schlachter, T., Korhonen-Kurki, K., ... & Jones, L. (2018). Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change: a review of indicators. Food security, 10(2), 287-310. Recent Presentations: (2020) Imagined Conflict and Compatible River Use Niches in the Upper Chattooga River Basin. Integrative Conservation Conference. UGA. (2020) Comparing household natural resource use and disaster response across a varied landscape in Camp Perrin, Haiti. From Katrina to Michael: Disaster in the 21st-century Circum-Caribbean. Florida State University. (2020) Second Impact Syndrome: Changing Livelihood Strategies and Landscapes With Increased Disaster Frequency in Rural Haiti. Society for Applied Anthropology Conference. Albuquerque, NM. 2018 Vulnerability and adaptive strategies to multiple disasters in quick succession: Hurricane Matthew and drought in Camp Perrin, Haiti. Haitian Studies Association. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 2016 A Framework to Reconcile Ecosystem Services and Adaptive Capacities in Rapidly Transforming Dryland Social-Ecological Systems. Nelson, D.R., E. King, J.R. McGreevy, L. German, and F. Isbel. Global Land Programme, 3rd Open Science Meeting. Beijing, China. Fellowships: 2017 US NSEP Boren Fellowship 2015 Foreign Language and Areas Study Fellowship 2012 Center for Collaborative Conservation Fellowship 2010 Periclean Scholars Other Grants/Awards: 2017 Willson Center Graduate Research Award 2015 Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant 2015 Hague Field Study Award 2014 Excellence in Graduate Recruiting Award 2012 Margery M. Wilson Scholarship 2012 Anthropology Scholarship 2010 Golden Oak Award (Top Student in Environmental Studies) |
Contact John RyanEmail: [email protected]
Current Research in Haiti