The social and policy implications of seasonal forecasting: a case study of Ceará, Northeast Brazil
Use and Usefulness: a Comparative Study of Seasonal Climate Forecasting Systems in Drought-affected Latin America
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Partners: University of Arizona; Universidade Federal do Ceará; Universidad de Chile
Use and Usefulness: a Comparative Study of Seasonal Climate Forecasting Systems in Drought-affected Latin America
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Partners: University of Arizona; Universidade Federal do Ceará; Universidad de Chile
These two projects focused on the climate vulnerability of dryland farmers. The first was designed to understand how farmers and policy makers were able to make use of seasonal climate forecasts to reduce the impacts of frequent droughts. We found that the farmers did not have sufficient options for using forecasts. Their range of choices was constrained by numerous social, economic, and biophysical factors. However, we found that local policy makers were in a position where they could make use of forecasts to develop and implement drought contingency plans. The second project worked to develop a participatory planning process that mapped vulnerabilities, developed local capacities to develop short and long-term plans, and worked with local administrations to develop contingency and long-term development plans.
Finan, T. J., & Nelson, D. R. (2001). Making rain, making roads, making do: public and private adaptations to drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Climate Research, 19, 97–108. PDF
Folhes, M. T., & Nelson, D. R. (2007). Previsões Tradicionais de Tempo e Clima no Ceará: O Conhecimento Popular à Serviço da Ciência. Sociedade e Natureza, 19(2), 19–31. PDF
Lemos, M. C., Finan, T. J., Fox, R. W., Nelson, D. R., & Tucker, J. (2002). The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Policymaking: Lessons from Northeast Brazil. Climatic Change, 55, 479–507. PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2000). The Emergence of a Climate Anthropology in Northeast Brazil. Practicing Anthropology, 22(4), 6–10. PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Praying for Drought: Persistent Vulnerability and the Politics of Patronage in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. American Anthropologist, 111(3), 302–316. doi:10.1111/j.1548-1433.2009.01134.x PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Weak Winters: Dynamic Decision-Making in the Face of Extended Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. In E. C. Jones & A. D. Murphy (Eds.), The political economy of hazards and disasters (pp. 107–132). Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Nelson, D. R., Folhes, M. T., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Mapping the road to development: a methodology for scaling up participation in policy processes. Development in Practice, 19(3), 386–395. doi:10.1080/09614520902808225. PDF
Finan, T. J., & Nelson, D. R. (2001). Making rain, making roads, making do: public and private adaptations to drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Climate Research, 19, 97–108. PDF
Folhes, M. T., & Nelson, D. R. (2007). Previsões Tradicionais de Tempo e Clima no Ceará: O Conhecimento Popular à Serviço da Ciência. Sociedade e Natureza, 19(2), 19–31. PDF
Lemos, M. C., Finan, T. J., Fox, R. W., Nelson, D. R., & Tucker, J. (2002). The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Policymaking: Lessons from Northeast Brazil. Climatic Change, 55, 479–507. PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2000). The Emergence of a Climate Anthropology in Northeast Brazil. Practicing Anthropology, 22(4), 6–10. PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Praying for Drought: Persistent Vulnerability and the Politics of Patronage in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. American Anthropologist, 111(3), 302–316. doi:10.1111/j.1548-1433.2009.01134.x PDF
Nelson, D. R., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Weak Winters: Dynamic Decision-Making in the Face of Extended Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. In E. C. Jones & A. D. Murphy (Eds.), The political economy of hazards and disasters (pp. 107–132). Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Nelson, D. R., Folhes, M. T., & Finan, T. J. (2009). Mapping the road to development: a methodology for scaling up participation in policy processes. Development in Practice, 19(3), 386–395. doi:10.1080/09614520902808225. PDF